Tuesday, October 23, 2007

San Diego is Burning

San Diego is burning and there's not a darn thing I can do about it... I can't breathe, I can't go outside, and I've had about 30 asthma attacks today (and I'm being literal). I feel helpless, I want to go out and help and donate and so on, but I can't even leave my apartment because of the ash. I can't complain as I haven't lost my home or been evacuated, but I'm going stir crazy. I made brownies, I studied, I hung on every word of the news, I ferried calls about my whereabouts, and yet, I still feel like I haven't done anything. San Diego is my home; I wasn't born here, but it's where my heart is and I feel physical pain knowing that my peers and friends are losing everything. San Diego is one big community that I am so proud to be apart of and I know that we will all get together and re-build and help each other, that's what we do, but in the mean time, please keep San Diego in your prayers.

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